What’s the value of your car in scrap metal by weight?

Scrap yards will typically offer a price that can be negotiated if it needs some repairs. Alternatively, these yards may turn away vehicles that don’t meet their specifications and they’ll let you know before your appointment.

If you have a car that is not in driving condition, this can be a good way to get at least some of the money lost when you paid for it or when it was given to you. You will receive about 1/3 of what is normally paid for a vehicle, but the price may increase if there are doors and windows that can be taken out and if the engine has good compression.

the-value-of-car-in-scrap-metal-by-weightHow much does your car weigh in scrap?

The weight of your car in scrap can differ depending on the type of metal and the manufacturer. The weight of a Honda Civic is about 1680kg while for a Ford Focus it’s 2,000kg.

Potential buyers will usually get roughly 1/3 of what their car is worth in scrap metal. It may be possible to get more than this depending on whether any features such as windows and doors can be removed at no cost and if the engine has good compression.

For example an aluminum alloy engine block weighs approximately 40kg and a cylinder head can weigh around 15kg. A steel engine block will typically weigh … Read the rest

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source https://www.cashjunkcarschicago.com/the-value-of-car-in-scrap-metal-by-weight/


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