How you can get cash for a car that doesn’t work anymore
We all have a car in the garage that’s been sitting there for months and we don’t know what to do with it. What if someone said you could get money for it? That would be awesome, right? Well, now you can! You’ll need to answer some questions about the condition of the vehicle before being advised on a price for a trade-in. It’s important to note that not all scrap yards will buy cars of certain conditions or with certain components left intact. If this is the case, they’ll let you know before your appointment!
5 Tips on how to get cash for a car that doesn’t work
Tip 1) Make a list of all the things wrong with the car. This will help to get a clear idea of its overall value.
Tip 2) Take detailed pictures of the car from all angles before going to the scrapyard. It is important for them to see how it is currently in order to generate an accurate estimate for trade-in value.
Tip 3) Get a quote from your local scrapyard on how much they’ll offer you for your trade-in without giving them the car. This way you’ll know that there’s a market for it and will be able to figure out what you’re going to do with it next.
Tip 4) Know that not all … Read the rest
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